Monday, June 15, 2015

Unreal Engine 4 - Physics Based Truck and Trailer Attempt

I am trying to make a physics based truck and a trailer using only shapes and constraints in Unreal Engine 4 and this is what I got right now

If anyone has experience with Unreal Engine 4 and wants to help me let me know

For more info about Unreal Engine 4 visit the official website:


  1. Salut , am vazut pe yt ce faci in UE4 si chiar e foarte interesant , sunt doar curios in ce program iti faci obiectele , desi nu am lucrat in UE4 si nu am experienta sunt dispus sa invat si sa ajut , momentan am lucrat in maya doar pe partea de modelare din pacate mi-am reinstalat windows-ul de curant si nu mai am nici un rander sa iti arat insa pusesem intr-un timp un video cu un fel de animatie pe care am incercat sa o fac nu e foarte complexa si nu stiam prea multe sa fac , nici acum nu pot spune ca am evoluat prea tare , daca esti interesat asta este adresa mea de email

    1. Eu folosesc Zmodeler pentru 3D modeling si Blender doar pentru export pentru Unreal Engine. Eu vreau sa fac un joc cu camoiane care sa fie la partea de physics cat mai aproape de realitate ceva de genul asta nu doar niste cutii pe roti.

      In curand o sa fie un plugin cu soft body physics care sper sa il folosesc pentru cauciucuri.

      In filmuletul asta am folosit doar forme si constraints cand o sa termin modelul 3D la care lucrez o sa il setez tot asa folosind constraints.

  2. As you put more than four wheels? I'm trying to make a vehicle with six wheels, both blueprint as in C ++, but always gives error. Leaving four wheels works perfectly. Would you help me?

  3. I didn't use the vehicle support, with the vehicle support you can't put more then 4 wheels.

    I just dragged shapes and constraints into the scene and attached them together.

    As you can see the truck does not move under his own power I just drag him with the mouse.

    To make it move I will need some blueprints which I don't know how to set up.

    1. Thanks for the reply and sorry for my English, I am Brazilian. I do not see a solution to this, but I'll keep trying to find how to solve this problem.
